
ScrapTiffany Sunday Challenge

I’m a bit late getting my ScrapTiffany challenge up for today.  I thought the 1st was tomorrow, oops! I spent most of yesterday doing major cleanup on my laptop. I topped the day off with an upgrade to Windows 7, which took hours to complete. At one point I was certain that my computer was toast. But most things are looking fine now.

Of course it can’t be perfect. When I logged into Lightroom this morning, I needed an update that is downloading now. It looks quite large, so I am guessing I will have another day of computer maintenance ahead.

Today’s challenge at ScrapTiffany is Friendships. I did this layout about me and my best friend. I couldn’t do this crazy life without him. Head on over to ScrapTiffany to see what the rest of the design team ladies did.


I finished up my layouts from CKC last night.  I am working on a post with an overview of my classes and my completed layouts.  I hope to have it up later in the week.

Have a great Sunday!

All In One - A ScrapTiffany Challenge & a 2 Page Layout!

It’s Friday… I have a 4 day weekend…

And I am off to the Creating Keepsakes Convention in Mesa for the next 2 days!

We are staying overnight at the convention hotel .  So what could be better….

A girls weekend filled with…

…all things scrapbooking …girl talk …no kids (I’ll though I will miss them terribly) …lots of classes …and LOTS OF SHOPPING.

I call that…nirvana.

Before I head off, I am sharing today’s ScrapTiffany challenge on stamping. I have been dabbling a bit with embossing powders again, American Crafts Zing to be exact. I also have been on a roll scrapping our vacation from last October.

Here is my take on this week’s challenge…

I have been doing a few more two pagers lately and using lots of my favorite photos from our vacation. It’s fun to switch it up a bit.

Nicholas was impressed with the heat gun for embossing. He kept telling me to do it again. I love that one of my boys is already hanging out with me in my craft room. His future wife will sure appreciate me (may she be a scrapbooker or crafter). LOL!

Have a great weekend!

I’ll be back on Sunday to post the winner from the ScrapTiffany Blog Hop!


Today’s challenge at ScrapTiffany is about Beauty. Michelle_Beauty

It’s weird really.  Today’s post was going to be about how we celebrated Mike’s 45th birthday this weekend. I will have to save that for another day. Because, I can’t stop thinking about my Mom right now, and that she will never again experience a beautiful Arizona sunset with us.

I guess it is because I worked on the design for her headstone this weekend. We had been putting it off, but it needed to be done. I sometimes wonder if I am putting the flowers in the right spot when I visit the cemetary.  So I guess we need to have that to make sure, right?

I have been disconnecting from my online world a lot lately on purpose. I have been spending time doing a few things I want to do; rather than a little of everything. I am purposefully choosing to do less online.

Last year I finally scanned all the pictures I had and those that my mom had given to me as well. I am now organizing and tagging them in Lightroom.  It is forcing me to spend a lot of time with my family and my childhood. That is a good thing. It is interesting the observations I make from this exercise.


I have a category called Who’s That? I don’t know who these people are. and with my mom gone, I am not sure if I will ever find out. I am happy that there aren’t many. I hope to give my children the gift of knowing who the people in the old photos are when I am not here to tell them anymore. I meant to ask my mom, but I didn’t.

Thanksgiving Day

One thing that really struck me…the last picture I had with my mom and me was from Thanksgiving 2009. Really? A year before she passed. I should be able to do better than that. I have a camera around at all times, how did that happen.


The other thing that struck me is the last pictures I have of my mom were from early October 2010. She looked really good. It was just a couple of weeks before we found out the cancer had spread...That our days with her were numbered and we didn’t even know it.

I zoomed in on this picture yesterday to see that the light still sparkled in her eyes. It made me realize that I watched it dim the last 2 weeks of her life.  The last couple of days they were dark. The light was gone.

Thanks for letting me remember her today. I miss her.

Life, Organization, Scrapbooking and Valentine’s Day

(Photo heavy post ahead) 2011 is already zipping on by.  We have been keeping busy with long work days, home organization projects and trying to fit in some creative/hobby time (usually late at night after the boys go to sleep.

Today’s challenge at ScrapTiffany was to use metal or wire. I ended up making 3 layouts using this challenge. This is the one I submitted to Tiffany for the design team layouts.

This layout was rolling around my brain since a few days after my mom passed away in December. The Orianthi song Courage came on the radio and I knew this was something I needed to make….


For this one I used some old metal flowers mixed with new.


and this one I embossed a thin sheet of metal with the cuttlebug for the heart in the title and the photo corner. Pictures were from our photo shoot with Maggie Holmes.

Keys to my heart-1

Keys to my heart-2Keys to my heart-3

We have been on a clean out, get rid of and organize mission lately.  Two weekends ago we attacked the pantry and the linen closet.

This is what the pantry looked like when we started.


And now, although I am not happy with a few things, so I have ordered some more of the larger baskets and will move some of the smaller ones to the laundry room cabinets. But it is nice to have a place for everything,.


This is the start of the new backsplash, behind the stove. I have one more piece on backorder that will fit below the shelf area down to the counter top. But this is making me very happy.


Superbowl Sunday was spent hanging around the house. Or climbing if you are Jackson…


Making some yummy treats…


Nicholas liked watching half time and the commercials more than the football game (just like his mommy)….


I was home early from a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday. Jackson was playing and then suddenly it was quiet….


Nicholas now knows how to play Daddy’s train game on the computer….


This past Saturday, Mike’s mom came to watch the boys so Mike and I could attack this disaster.  Our house has a 2 car and 1 car garage set up. The 1 car garage has become a dumping ground for everything….



We took out everything opened all the bins and boxes. Moved all the shelves, swept, and wiped down everything.  Then we added new shelving and a file cabinet. And we actually have a garage again.


In January I also did the larger garage. It wasn’t as crammed with stuff. This side just needed a better set up and a good clean out.  I guess I didn’t take a before shot, but here is how it looks now….


my favorite area is this one. We do most of our grocery shopping at Costco, saving money is great, but storing the bulk stuff is a pain. Now it is all in one place, convenient to grab when we need it and easy to unload after the Costco trip each week.


Nicholas in daddy’s shoes (showing off the closet that is coming up on the list of things to clean out).


Mike has been busy working on his radio project.


We celebrated Valentine’s with a few goodies for the kiddos.


my Valentine’s present will be shipping from Verizon soon….

Carr Oct 2010-83

After the kiddos went to bed, my Valentine and I spent the rest of the evening enjoying

Dinner….Greek Salad


Wild Mushroom Lasagna and Meatballs….


and a movie…

Life as We Know It Poster

Have a great week!

Too Soon to Say Goodbye Mom
Linda Rettberg, 10/16/1946 - 12/11/2010
One week ago yesterday I lost one of my best friends, my confidante, my hero, The person who gave me drive to want better. The woman who taught me to speak up for myself. This beautiful, loving, generous woman who is my Mom.
Saying goodbye to my Mother is something I don’t think I have even begun to absorb. One thing that struck me these past few weeks as I spoke with family members and Mom’s friends was something I have always known about her. They all said to me that Mom was the strongest woman that they knew, she inspired them with her courage and happiness. Mom was a fighter, she was strong and she was a hero to me.
For twelve years we watched her battle cancer with strength, resolve and dignity. Even when she was scared, she was strong for her family and reassured us she would fight it and win.  All during this time she continued to work and live her life, although she may have slowed down more recently, she still kept busy with the life she loved. She loved decorating and taking care of her home, spending time with her husband Dion and cuddling with her three little dogs: Brandi, Megan and Missy.
She still worked through almost 7 years of non-stop chemotherapy treatment, only stopping work after starting treatments for the cancer that had spread to her bone marrow. A treatment that would leave her so tired, she would not be able to go to work. That was just about 5 weeks before she left us.
Shortly after starting the bone marrow chemotherapy, she was very sick. She was sent of an MRI and was told the cancer had spread to her brain. She started chemotherapy within days. After 3 treatments she was so weak she couldn't eat or drink. She went to the hospital for the first time since having her mastectomy over 12 years ago.
She never regained her strength and after a week my Mom chose to go into hospice care. We hoped she would come home under this care and we would have a few more months. But there was another plan. Just 4 days after arriving at the hospice facility, she passed peacefully with Dion and me at her side.
I have so many memories of my Mom that I will be able to hold in my heart. We looked forward to Sunday afternoons when she would come by to visit us. She always brought cookies and treats for Nicholas and Jackson.  Nicholas calls her Nana Cookie. Today was Sunday and earlier I thought I wonder if Mom is coming over today, and realized she wouldn't be.
She loved being a Nana and after we had Nicholas and Jackson she was happy to get to see them often.  My brothers children live out of state and she always wished she could see them more than once or twice a year. It will be my mission to make sure my boys know their Nana, although she is no longer here with us, she loved and adored all of her grandsons. And I want them to know that. Nicholas was very attached to her and I still haven't found the words to explain to him that she is not with us here anymore, but will always be looking out for us. I want to cry everytime he asks if Nana feels better or asks Where's Nana?
I loved to make Thanksgiving dinner with my mom each year. Most years all the dishes were  made from scratch. I ran "Thanksgiving Boot Camp" and my Mom and I worked along side each other preparing several things we loved. My stuffing may never be the same, as she was a key ingredient, she would taste test it until it was seasoned perfectly. Thanksgiving was one of her favorite holidays.
This year Mom had just started radiation therapy for the brain cancer, so it took all her energy to just come for a couple of hours. And sadly it turned out to be the last actual meal she really ate in her last 2 weeks with us.
When we were kids Mom would take us on the weekends to get fried chicken or a hot dog for a treat out. Simple things, that made us happy.When we were growing up Mom would sacrifice for herself to make sure we didn't go without anything. At times it must have been hard when she was on her own, but looking back, she made it look easy. She always let us know that my brother and I were very important to her.
When it was just Mom and me living at her townhouse in Aliso Viejo, we would take walks after work and then chat some more over a glass of wine. Saturdays, of course, were spent cleaning and she taught me everything I could ever want to know about that.
We talked on the phone often about anything and everything. I will miss being able to just pick up the phone and know she will be there. When I had good news or was upset she was who I wanted to talk to. I looked forward to just chatting with her about anything and everything. Yesterday I thought, I should call Mom, and realized I no longer could.
Today, my Mom's husband, Dion came by and brought me a mini album I had made for my Mom in 2004 for Mother's Day. As I looked at it through tears the words I wrote then were very much the same I would write today.
These were two of my favorite pages from the album:
What I Love About You
There are so many things I love about you. I love that you are my friend. I love that you like to have fun and aren't afraid to be silly. I love that you take good care of yourself. I love your smile. I love your laugh. I love that you love your kids so much. I love that you always have an opinion. I love that you have so much energy. I love that you are my little mom. I love that your house looks like it belongs in a magazine. I love that we cook Thanksgiving dinner together each year and have fun doing it. But most of all I love you.
What You Taught Me
  • To have fun
  • Everything happens for a reason
  • To love your family
  • To treat others with respect
  • To take care of myself
  • How to clean anything
  • To be myself
  • To be silly sometimes
  • To go after my dreams
  • How to shop
All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my Mother.
The book closed with the lyrics to Celine Dion's song, "Because You Loved Me". I know I am a better person, because my Mother loved me.
We laid Mom to rest on Friday in a beautiful service that celebrated who she was. I was thankful for her friends that came and talked to us about their memories of Mom.
Now I must figure out how to pick up the pieces and go on.
I love you mama. You will always be in my heart.

Christmas, Weekend Round Up and a Turkey

I've been MIA lately, with a lot going on. Last week we received some upsetting family news, and the end of the week was spent processing it.
Work has been crazy lately, we are consolidating our office with our Denver office and everything is moving to our office here in Phoenix. So work life has been busy in interviewing, hiring and planning for this transition. Oh, and it is year end, and I am an accountant.
I have been working a lot of hours lately, and seeing my family less than I would like. But, I know I am lucky that I will still have my job after this transition.
And because of my busy work schedule, at home it is beginning to look....
a lot like.....Christmas.....

(p.s. the picture for the frame is being printed today to go with the Christmas theme)


Yes, we put up our tree and decorations the weekend before Thanksgiving. I have to work the Friday after Turkey Day and we host the meal every year. So several years ago we stopped trying to do it all after Thanksgiving and moved the inside decorating to a week before. I have a few finishing touches to add after a trip to the store, so I will share some more photos soon.


It was sad putting this away.

Turkey does really get the short stick. (Although the Halloween stuff was gone a few
weeks ago).
Friday night this crazy boy....
...crawled out of his bed....twice. He hasn't tried it again. But we did buy a toddler bed over the weekend just in case. Unfortunately the crib tent doesn't work on his style of crib.
Mike put all the trees up last week (yes, all means 3, 5 if you count the small ones in the boys rooms).  On Saturday he took the boys out during the day so I could do all the rest of the decorations. Then Saturday night we all enjoyed the tradition Mike and I have had for years. Munchies and snacks while enjoying our now decorated house.
Sunday we just hung out and rested.  I have picked up the cold that the rest of the family is getting over. So we just laid low...

As we head into the home stretch for my two favorite holidays of the year, our challenge at ScrapTiffany this week was Food/Recipes. So on honor of the big bird I'll be cooking later this week, I featured Turkey My Way.   I have perfected my bird over the past 15 years that I have been the holiday host. And I am pretty proud of it.


I'll give you two of my secrets, a fresh organic turkey and Reynolds Oven Bags. The rest is my secret, ;)

Head over to ScrapTiffany to see what the other designers did.
Just a peek at one of the pictures from our recent photo shoot with Maggie Holmes. We are lucky that she lives nearby. We met Maggie a few weeks ago and late last week picked up our photos.
I'll share some more tomorrow.  Have a great Monday.

Happy Birthday Dad!
Today we celebrate my Dad on his 65th birthday! Here are just a few of my favorite photos of my Dad over the years....
1940's - A beautiful boy with his beautiful Momma. Look at those eyes.
1950's - Racing midget cars built by his Dad
1960's - First car (I think)
1970's - Christmas day with my Daddy
1988 - Graduating high school with my Dad
1996 - On my wedding day with my Dad and Evelyn
Father's Day 2006 - A proud Dad with his kids
Father's Day 2010 - A happy Dad with his family
and his Grandson's (and son)
2010 - Because of You this is Us
Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!

Help save energy and a Giveaway.
I am asking for a few minutes of your time to help save energy.  After you have read below and voted, please leave a comment here in my blog.  I will draw from the comments for a $25 gift card to Studio Calico.  I will leave comments open through Monday, September 9th, and announce a winner Tuesday.
My dad, Bob and his partner, Scot  have built a company that provides a proven technology that cuts energy waste on large air conditioning systems by over 50%.  They are in a world-wide competition sponsored by GE called, “Ecomagination Challenge” and they just entered on Friday. The current leader is from China and they entered over a month ago so they have a solid lead.  Will you help their company become recognized as the leader they are?
Below is a letter from my Dad's partner, Scot talking about the challenge and the links to their proposals follow.  I would love it if you took a few minutes to vote.Please click on one or all  \of the links below and cast your vote. You will need to enter an e-mail address and confirm and then cast your votes. It will take a few minutes of your time, but you’ll be helping a great cause.

Re: Casting your vote for our technology.
Hello everyone,
If you are getting this e-mail, it means that we have bumped into each other at one time or another over the last 30 years or so, or we have a mutual acquaintance.  I am writing to ask for your support – we are competing in the General Electric “Ecomagination Challenge”.  It is a GE initiative to identify viable strategies to reduce energy waste and consumption, and also viable methods to cost effectively produce and utilize renewable energy and improve grid/system performance on a global basis.  The winners of the competition will get a cash award, but more importantly, this will be a platform that can be used to help the world reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and the pollution that results from that process.
The winners are selected by a combination of votes from the general public and evaluation by technical experts on the Ecomagination Challenge team, so public votes are extremely important.
We recently entered six ideas in the competition, and would ask you to spend approximately 2-3 minutes clicking on the links below and evaluating a short summary of the submitted ideas.  We were limited to a 50 word summary for public consumption, but we were allowed a 500 word summary with more technical detail for the judges evaluation.  Since the people I am sending this to are typically more detail and technically oriented than the general population, I have included the long versions below at the bottom of the e-mail, in case you have some time, or more interest in what we are proposing to do to help the world out of it’s current energy jam.
If, after you have evaluated our proposals, you feel that our ideas are worthy of your vote, I would also ask that you consider forwarding our request to others that you might know that might be interested in the topics we are proposing, and asking them to consider voting for some or all of our proposals.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
Scot M. Duncan, P.E.
Vice President
Retrofit Originality Incorporated
Load Based Optimization System (LOBOS) for HVAC Systems
Air conditioning systems in large buildings are wasteful of energy, due to how they are controlled and the constant speed nature of the major equipment.  LOBOS, when used with variable speed equipment has proven that it can cut air conditioning energy consumption by 40% to 60% or more.
Load Based Optimization System (LOBOS) and LOBOS-Demand Response
Integrated Energy Efficiency and Demand Response systems like the Load Based Optimization System can dramatically cut energy waste at power plants and buildings.  Properly applied DR systems can cut spinning reserve power plant losses that have to run “just in case” there is a grid issue.

150% Efficient Air Conditioning Energy Storage Battery
Thermal Energy Storage, or “Permanent Load Shifting”, when used with Load Based Optimization System design strategies for large buildings, can reduce HVAC related peak electrical demands by 80%+, while reducing overall energy consumption by 50% +, and enabling the use of wind power generated at off-peak times.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
For most of the U.S., summers are muggy.  Air conditioning systems do a poor job of drying the air and the air delivery method can promote biological growth.  The HEDS can reduce cooling plant energy waste by 25%+ on peak humidity days, while eliminating reheat energy waste.
A Smart Grid-Integrated Efficiency Solution
Combining the Load Based Optimization System, LOBOS-DR, Permanent Load Shifting and the High Efficiency Dehumidification System can solve many problems.  Peak HVAC related electrical demands can be served by wind power generated at night, and biological growth can be nearly eliminated, saving 100’s of millions of $$.
Cost Effective Near Net Zero Energy (NZE) Solution
Net Zero Energy buildings are a laudable goal, but the typical Return On Investment takes 30+ years.  Commercial office buildings take even longer to pay back the investment.  Combining properly designed building envelopes with other efficiency solutions can result in cost effective near NZE buildings.

ScrapTiffany Vintage Challenge


This week the challenge at ScrapTiffany  is all about Vintage.  I have been working through scanning and organizing our family photos going back to the early 1900's. Last week I posted this story about my Nana. So it made the perfect topic for a layout featuring her:

Check out what the other girls did this week over at ScrapTiffany and if you do a vintage project send it to Tiffany to share with us.