Monday, January 19Every night while we are eating dinner, this is what errupts at some point. Jackson must be able to smell the food.
Tuesday, January 20
A typical day after a nap, Nicholas gets his cookies, water and Baby First TV to chill out to while he gets the cobwebs out. Then it's back to playing.
Wednesday, January 21 Often when I am feeding Jackson, Nicholas crawls up in the chair with us to snuggle and watch TV.
Thursday, January 22 Nicholas helped Daddy sort the never ending laundry.
Friday, January 23 Went to IKEA in the morning to get a small table and chairs for Nicholas. Then we headed to the Santan Mall to have lunch at Kona Grill, sushi, MMMM! Then we walked around a bit before heading home. We brought out the old high chair for Jackson, he loved being part of the group at dinner. Nicholas was making goofy faces as soon as I brought out the camera. Mike and I got some hobby time in the evening. I was able to make a layout from the Color Me Daisy February kit. I need to clean my scrap room.
Saturday, January 24
I spent some time looking at the Design Team applications for CMD. We walked to the park for a community party celebrating the park opening. Nicholas had lots of fun playing on the slide and swinging. He used to be afraid of the swing, but he loves it now. Another hobby night for Mike and me after the boys go to bed.
Sunday, January 25
Just a day to hang out at home. I took Nicholas outside to play in the backyard, while Mike ran out to Costco. Jackson snoozed in the Baby Bjorn so I could chase Nicholas all over. Opening and closing the screen drawer was completely fascinating for Nicholas today. Nana (R.) came over in the afternoon to see the boys. Jackson slept most of the time, so Nicholas got lots of attention.