Fish Taco Salad Especial

If you like fish tacos this my friends is the most awesome salad ever to be had. When we received 2 heads of cabbage in our Bountiful Baskets last week I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with that much of a vegetable that I am not a big fan of. I thought about fish tacos, but with that much cabbage we would be eating them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I came up with this salad as my take on Rubio’s Fish Taco Especial, this one little taco will set you back 10 Weight Watchers Points Plus. If you order the meal you will are set back 25 Points Plus, almost a days worth of points for some. This skinny version of the Rubio’s Fish Taco Especial is a large filling salad that will fill you up for 8 Points Plus and 2 points for a generous amount of dressing, the recipe is easily scaled back to shave a couple of points if you have a lower daily points target. 20120806-IMG_1609[gmc_recipe 702]