Mosh Posh

School Day Layout

Nicholas recently started his second year of pre-school. I thought I should probably scrap a page or two from his first year.  He started in January when he turned 3.  Recently I saw a post on Stephanie Howell's blog about her thoughts when her daughter started her first day of school and how she felt seeing her walk away that first day. Her writing inspired my journaling on this layout from Nicholas's first day of pre-school.
Supplies from Mosh Posh August 2010 Kit.
It is almost the weekend and I cannot wait! It's been a long busy week. I am planning on making these on Saturday. And Nicholas told me he would help.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a great Thursday!


Can't wait for the weekend....and weekend plans


After being gone last weekend, I can't wait to be home this weekend and get some relaxation and scrap time.  This morning I had to whip up a birthday card for a friend, the leftover scraps from the May Mosh-Posh kit were perfect:

This weekend I'm looking forward to:
Starting Camp Scrap at Big Picture Scrapbooking and digging into that this weekend.
Ordering my Studio Calico July kit add-on's (OMG the add on's this month are unbelievable)
Dinner to celebrate the Arizona dad's on Sunday night.
My light potato salad for said dinner.
A quiet Saturday morning before the kiddos wake up drinking coffee from the new Kreuig coffee maker
Hoping the Kindle I ordered today (at the new lower price) gets here this weekend so I can get it set up for some books I want to read.

Working on my 1st challenge for ScrapTiffany that will debut the first week of July.
Happy Friday!

A layout and ScanCafe


Another layout from my Baker's Dozen class.  Now I have just 4 layouts to work on to be caught up to the class.  One thing I love about the class is the simpleness.  You have already picked out pictures and embellishments and every couple of days you get a sketch and a recipe and you can get to work on telling a story.  Last night I wanted to scrap, but was tired so my heart wasn't in it as much.  So I flipped on the Glee season finale (which perked me up some) and grabbed my next assignment.

Me and Nana
PP, CS & ribbon from Studio Calico kit. Making Memories 
letter stickers and paint. Maya Mist, Quick Quotes canvas heart, 
Clearsnap ink and paper clip.
I love this picture of Nicholas and his Nana C.  He has really grown close to her since they moved here a year and a half ago.  I am glad that the boys will have a chance to grow up nearby to some of their family.  We are very lucky to have Mike's parents so close to us.
I am looking forward to this weekend already. My Mosh Posh and Citrus Tree Studios kits have arrived already this week.  My box from Studio Calico should be here today and another couple of orders should be here by Saturday.  It's been like Christmas! I have a big picture order to pick up at Costco today too.
So I'll have lots of new goodies to scrap with and a whole lot of new pictures to scrap with.  Including several pictures I recently had scanned by ScanCafe from my pre-digital days.  The Mosh Posh kit will be perfect for some pictures I have of my grandma's and my mom from the 40's - 70's. The Citrus Tree Studios should be great for a Father's Day surprise for Mike I am thinking about. And the Studio Calico kit is going to be great for last weekend's pool pictures.
If you have been thinking about getting photos scanned I really recommend ScanCafe. I heard about them when I took Library of Memories at Big Picture Scrapbooking and although the whole process took a couple of months I am so happy to have my old photos in digital format.  They retouched and in some cases restored photos and now I finally have them to incorporate into my scrapbooks.
I had been looking at scanning my photos for years including trying to do it myself.  I sent them about 2000 photos and selected about 1400 to have digitally. The great thing about ScanCafe is you are only obligated to pay for 50% of what they scan. So I sent negatives in that I had no idea what would be on them and only selected the pictures that were worth keeping.  There prices have gone up slightly since I ordered but they are still reasonable compared to other services.  And if you sign up for their newsletter they send out discount codes pretty often.  (I am not being paid to sing their praises, I was just really happy with their service.)

Closing Color Me Daisy and lots of catching up to do...

 I think it is time for me to say, so long to...

We have officially decided to close Color Me Daisy. Originally I had intended to cut back to every other month with a limited number of kits with no subscriptions.  Our first kit in the new format did well and sold out faster than we would have guessed. However, after having some time away from the original decision to scale back and the ability to really enjoy more of my weekends and evenings I have realized it just isn't something I want to do anymore. I'm not even sad about it anymore.

So that being said we are selling off all of what we have left in "Mystery Boxes".  The boxes are $30 plus flat rate shipping costs and each box will contain at least $100 worth of scrapping goodies. They will be filled with past kit and add on left-overs.  We have a limited number of boxes available, get yours while you can.

Business stuff out of the some catching up.  Work has been busy, I have been sick with a sinus infection and ear infection that made me so dizzy I couldn't even look at the computer for a couple of days. Mike has been cooking a lot on the grill lately andI have been scrapping (when I wasn't sick, working or finishing the last of this year's season finale's).

I was pretty happy with the American Idol season finale. I liked both Lee and Crystal and so I didn't really care who won, but I guess I was slightly pulling for Lee. I had been out of the running on my American Idol pool for a few weeks. It didn't matter who won, I wasn't going to win any money.

Now that American Idol, Desperate Housewives, 24 and Survivor are over I should have lots of time to scrap while watching Glee episodes after the kiddos are in bed.

I got my May Mosh-Posh kit a few weeks ago and I wasn't sure if I it was too girly.  But after perusing their gallery I changed my mind.  This weekend I have finished 5 layouts with the kit so far, and will probably get at least one more out of the kit bits and pieces I have left over.

I love these pictures I took last weekend of Mike reading to Nicholas. I also love my 2 new Martha Stewart border punches.

I am thinking I need to make these cupcakes again.

We've been spending a lot of time in the backyard lately, these pictures were from Mother's Day.  Nicholas likes playing with his golf club, and we like when he isn't trying to take Jackson out with it. These pictures were when he was playing with it appropriately. :)

I loved  Amy Coose's layouts in the Mosh Posh gallery, so I felt the need to scraplift a couple of them. This one is inspired by Amy's take on the MP May sketch:

And this one is inspired by Amy's "Love Note's" layout:

I have lots more of stuff to share over the next few days, including a review a long overdue review on my CKC Mesa classes, some tasty things to share from "My Man and His Grill" and some layouts from my last Studio Calico kit.

Freedom...and other things I have discovered this month (long and photo heavy)


As February comes to a close I am still pondering the future, if any, for Color Me Daisy.  If you missed it, we announced with the release of our February kit that we were no longer going to offer monthly kits (the official announcement can be found here) with the original thought that we would do periodic kits 4-6 times a year. Life has changed dramatically in the past 2 years, we have an active 1 and 3 year old. My job is incredibly non-stop busy and I am working a lot more than I was a year ago. I don't want to miss anything with my two little guys and I want to enjoy life a bit more. I turn the big 4-0 at the end of the year and it is making me take stock of where I want to end up come the end of 2010.

I decided before I think about any future direction for CMD I need a break from kit planning and the business side of scrapbooking.  I got to a point where my heart wasn't in it, I wasn't scrapping and when I did, I was just slapping it on the page.  While life is still busy, I have had a lot more fun this past month with my family and my scrapping.

One of the things I did at the beginning of the year was a major scrap room overhaul.  I came across several class kits I never completed from past CKC's.  So one Friday night a week or two ago I grabbed this one and finished up these 2 class layouts...

These two were based on a  CK Sponsored class, but I don't remember which one and I am guessing it was a couple of years ago at least based on the products used.  But I think they are pretty timeless pages and I love them.

When I finished up these I had a sheet of Kraft cardstock still and lots of scraps, so I used them to make my least common layout for my Library of Memories class at Big Picture Scrapbooking that I am repeating as an Alumni this year.  My least common layout was People We Love and Why, this is about my nephew Andrew who is a big brother to two and helps his Dad (my brother), who is a single dad, a lot. I am proud of the young man he is becoming and the good example he is.

I have never been adept at creating a layout from a magazine ad, I usually look at them and can't see an actual layout. But after I finished my last issue of Real Simple this past month I did a quick flip through and landed on this ad (sorry for the pens in the corner, but they paper was lifting when I was taking the picture):

From this ad, I created this layout from our trip to California last July for my Grandfather's funeral.

One morning, when we didn't have to be anywhere early we drove down to Laguna Beach, grabbed Starbucks and had breakfast on the beach. It was Jackson's first trip to the beach. But the journaling is about how attached Jackson is to Mike. Everything is all about Daddy for Jackson right now. Most of the supplies used for this was from a mystery box I picked up from Scrap Attack Scrapbooking. I think for less than $50 with shipping I got a huge box of goodies with a original value of about $150.  I sorted through it, kept what I wanted and anything I didn't think I would use went into the yard sale pile for the LSS.  I figure I didn't take much of a loss and ended up with some cute things.  The Thickers and small letters were not from the mystery box.

I made this card for Mike for Valentine's Day. We had a crop over at Color Me Daisy this past month and one of the challenges was to make something with only what was within reach. It worked out for this card, ribbon, cardstock, a punch, patterned paper, foam dots and stickers were spread out on the desk and this came together pretty fast.

Since I am cutting back at Color Me Daisy I had to fill the void. I am still a huge fan of kits and always will be. I love to scrap with a coordinated kit, it helps me focus, I didn't have to spend the time to get the "ingredients" together. It simplifies the options in the room that I scrap, i.e., the mini store.  LOL!

Anyway, long before CMD was a thought in my mind I subscribed to Mosh Posh and still do. I never cancelled my sub even after I started CMD, I thought that for the most part the kits from Mosh Posh were very similar to my style and several kits overlapped what I did at CMD so they rounded out each other pretty well. So in February I got their kit featuring October Afternoon, Farm Fresh. Not really a line I would have picked, but I also saw a sketch on their blog that I liked and wanted to use.

So I ended up with this...

We were walking in the barnyard section of the zoo and Nicholas ran over to the turkeys and did this, and I actually got it on camera. The month before we fed the turkeys and chickens in a Zoo Animal Program and he had a ball. We went in the cages with the guides and he was able to pet the chickens and feed them. He wanted to pet the turkeys too, but they wouldn't let us near them. We just threw their food and stood back.  I guess they are aggressive with little kids. But when we were back on this day, he ran over and started talking to this turkey. And this paper that I never in a million years would have thought I could use, ended up featured on a page.

Another kit club I have joined to fill my CMD void is Studio Calico. I had heard of them, I don't live under a rock :)-, and checked them out several months ago. When we decided we were going to cut back on the CMD kits I was looking for another kit club so I could get a monthly fix. I like that their kits are so different from what I would put together; but, I love all the products that are in them. I knew their kits would stretch my scrapping style.  It took me a couple of months to get around to using one though.

They have challenges on their blog each week, the perfect thing to get my scrapping. This challenge was to use baby colors on a layout. The layout didn't need to be baby themed and since right now I am over those pages, I did this one instead.  The DT over there mists a lot, and it is inspiring me to give it a try.  I was looking at one of the SC exclusive papers in the kit and noticed that the circles on the paper created a perfect frame on the edges. So I cut out the circles, misted my cardstock using a chipboard piece from a Maya Road Mini Book and placed the semi-circles around the page.  This is to tell the story about Nicholas and books right now, he loves to read and I love it when he comes over and says "Read to Me".

They also have a weekly sketch challenge on the blog at SC and this was from this past week. I love these pictures of Nicholas on my laptop. He loves to watch YouTube videos of the Wiggles, Barney and Blues Clues on my computer and one afternoon last summer I caught these pictures of him.  I also got to try out my new Martha Stewart Butterfly border punch. Love it!

Rounding out my recent scrap adventures....I got a box in the mail a few days ago with all this new Jenni Bowlin goodness. I can't wait to get these on a project!

And lastly, I recently received this in the mail. Assuming there really is a next Color Me Daisy kit I am quite certain something from this catalog will be in it....

If you are still here...have a great Sunday!