It’s Tuesday and we are home from California and it is time to go back to work. A weekend full of indulgence behind me.
Today is another morning I sleep in; another morning I picked snuggling with Marti the dog over getting out of bed. Yes, it was another day I didn’t get outside and go for a walk.
Today the pants feel tighter. I look at the scale but I’m not ready to face the damage from the weekend. I am barely able to face the damage I have done since I lost 25 pounds last year.
Today we don’t have anything quick for me to pack for lunch. I’m sure I can make a “healthy” choice for a takeout lunch, right?
Today I make due. I again am thinking about doing something. I need some structure. I have gained back a lot of the weight I lost last year. It’s not like I fell off the wagon, it’s more like I jumped.
Today I open up the Weight Watchers site and log into my account. I haven’t seen it in a while. I track breakfast and our planned dinner.
Today I take time to not go through the drive through at lunch.
Today I make a good salad choice at Paradise Bakery and pass on the cookie.
Today I snack all afternoon on nuts and trail mix and granola bars. After dinner I have more wine and the rest of the pretzel M&M’s.
Today is over. There is always tomorrow.