Welcome Baby Jackson!

Meet the newest member of our family, baby Jackson!

Jackson was born on Monday, November 10 at 1:43 p.m. He was 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long. Both he and I are doing fine and we were able to come home from the hospital on Thursday.

Jackson had swallowed some fluid and had to spend about 3 hours in the nursery after his birth for observation. He was able to come to meet me in my room after I had been moved from the recovery area. I was up out of bed 12 hours after my c-section and so far my recovery is going very well. We are adjusting to having a newborn at home and other than less sleep, everything is going very well.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from his first few days:


Nicholas is adjusting well to being a big brother. He's curious about his brother, but for the most part he has gone about his normal business.